Moving into February and halfway through Q1.

Sat here with the warmth of a fire in a Banjo Beale inspired room at the Western Isles Hotel in Tobermory.

Claire and Calum are playing pool. I’m, well, relaxing with one eye on pool and now watching darts; safely out of throwing radius.

It is a good thing to be living here after our, my journey.

I was looking at LinkedIn earlier, at all the advertising contacts I have posting in the news feed. I used to do that. And used to be part of that. Not anymore. And I’m glad.

It’s all, sucks breath in, bullshit, ego, and a desperate want to be part of a business your in. A craven way of seeking love in the advertising business, which does not exist.

On a practical level it is boring to read and may as well have been written by AI, devoid of anything bearing resemblance to the truth, or of interest. For the most part boastful, ego driven, and prattling on about how good said post writer is. Why not be honest and say you have had a crap week?


Oban, Sound of Mull, Craignuire (Oh and Storm Eowyn and a power cut.)