To live is to fight, David Rutley MP, and Arnold Rimmer.

Left: David Rutley. Right: Arnold Rimmer

To live is to fight / vivere militare est

The quote is attributed to Seneca the Younger and very apt for a lot of people in today's GB, and countless other locations. I suppose when born we automatically have to go into fight mode to survive, or do we have to?

And I suppose there are a lot of Tories fighting to live as I type this, especially what appears to be the tone deaf, clueless, Cockwomble of Macclesfield, the Rt Hon David Rutley, its local MP.

Orinoco the Womble, distant relative of MP for Macclesfield. The prefix “Cock” used to differentiate Genus, as is the fact one picks rubbish up, the other sends it into the sea via the sewage system.

Species / Genus

Forget the sewage laden term Tory, and look to the man. 14 years of what could be seen to be sheer self interest revolving around career, voting with government, Ministerial role, being a Whip, yet besmirching the good constituent MPs of all parties that are out there doing something and delivering local results. Not only have I seen more adept things floating on their backs in a pond, but I've seen Politicos with more balls canvassing those they represent than someone behaving as this ineffectual weakling, who has yet to be seen in all areas of Macclesfield for example.

The reason I am angry?

I am Macclesfield born and bred and whilst I left the town properly in 2013 am still attached. There are not many places I've not touched or been touched by in the town from having grown up, played, and lived in a famous town centre pub with two well known historical publicans. I'd play like a Bash Street Kid in the Indoor Market, West Park, South Park, everywhere, have fallen in the river Bollin countless times, and learnt to read and write through St Albans and All Hallows.

I've also been a Trustee of Macclesfield Round Table.

So more than most I've been very much intertwined in the town's heartbeat over the years.

Over time and wIth sadness I've seen the centre of the town decline. I landed in the town in 1978.

There are many macro factors out of any Politicians hands. There are changes to shopping habits of the consumer. People have been skint for a while.

But this does not excuse in any way shape or form the crass claim of David Rutley to have supported retail growth in the town. (Or other local centric activities to enhance economic growth.)

David Rutley - SMEG Head - Arnold Rimmer - Your MP for Macclesfield

My back is up and I’ve decided to write as I am genuinely stunned as some of the video sound bites Arnold Rimmer aka David Rutley MP has been posting as his contribution to Macclesfield town and its environs. And we thought the Hitler Diaries were the greatest work of fiction this side of the Royal Family not being German by using the nomenclature Windsor.

Yet I am maddened especially by one of his latest soundbites, stood on Church Street, back to St Michael’s. Right royally pissed off at this brass neck claim to support local business.

Man realises Macclesfield is dying on its arse (after 14 years, mostly abroad feting and being feted by dodgy, corrupt governments with questionable human rights records in Central and South America, whilst dressed as Alan Partridge in the Wilderness Years.

  • I suspect he helped hamstring Cheshire East and other Councils with his voting negatively with Party to cut local government funding, and do check his voting record. It makes for salutary reading:

  • His voting record makes for SHOCKING reading. For the simple fact it flies in the face of the videos he uses for his re-election campaign.

  • I suspect he would not work with Cheshire East as it is Labour run (can I just point out I’m more liberal in view than Labour, and am certainly no fan of Stan Laurel Starmer.)

  • I suspect he’s tone deaf as to local business having come from big business, and theoretical academic business background.

  • I suspect he’s spent that much time out of the county in his Ministerial role, that this sound bite is a last ditch attempt to alter the reality. He has simply not been here, instead abroad, in London.

  • As an ex-Whip and consistent Party voter I question his moral ethics. “Yes” as a word has an opposite and that is “no”. Nick Winterton (whilst no complete fan) had the courage to vote against party when morally correct. Rutley would vote that the sky is green if told to.

  • David Cameron. Jesus, where do I start? Rutley was parachuted into a safe seat by a PM (who visited him recently) whom I had the inordinate displeasure of working with at Carlton TV (contact me for comments and fruity language.)

  • I don’t give a shite about religion. And I’m Catholic. But how this man can observe a very moral form of Christianity, and have not questioned how he conducted himself morally and engagement wise, with a people and town that is genuinely struggling, makes me think the Mormon Church on Priory Land may soon be on the receiving end of a thunderbolt.

  • I suspect he has suspended his LinkedIn credentials. If he be God’s gift to business (soz God) then where is a LinkedIn profile, versus prose about senior roles in businesses such as Asda or PepsiCo? No detail. Name dropping, Arnold Rimmer would let lose a tear with lump in throat in respect of this positioning of self.

    Let us cry Smeg Head aloud. In unison.

The Social Media activity that Rutley undertakes is locked down on Facebook, but he is unable to do so with the different beast that is Twitter. I would strongly suggest reading (with pinch of salt obviously) people’s comments on Twitter. I understand that Facebook lockdown stops abuse, but for God’s sake you are an MP and comment, criticism goes with the job, and has been around way before Gladstone and Disraeli were yelling at each other across the Commons.

It just vexes me that this Marketing campaign is one way, not transparent, and does not allow for comment. It is so frustrating, but that’s politics.

Seneca the Younger and Democracy

Democracy is more cruel than wars or tyrants

Let me think in the hot sun of a day out in Manchester. To live is to fight. Hmmm. I suppose that David Rutley is doing what we all may have to do, fight to keep what we have.

But like us all, he has choices and volition. He could maybe reflect on his 14 years and be honest about what he’s delivered and next steps. If I were still in Macc’ and could vote I’d consider him as we all make mistakes and can rectify them.

The people with have their say. Please vote wisely. And if you kick him into touch, he won’t starve, and think of all the poor fuckers the Tories have let down.

Manchester in the sun. Nuff said.


Manchester in the Sun


4 horsemen of the apocalypse, 4 good bosses