what found us offers its clients
Wednesday 13th November - Oban harbour, the town, McCaig’s Tower at night
I am enjoying exploring Oban, where I have now been a handful of times since landing properly on the Isle of Mull. This is my 4th full week on the island and I am thoroughly enjoying it, and being with my wife Claire makes me happy.
With found us I now turn my attention to work; so think it useful to drill down in a post and explain what it is I do for people and businesses.
my full profile - linkedIn
Have a look to who, what, where I am. You’ll see that there is a huge wealth of experience, qualifications, hard work and effort, some luck and being in the right place at the right time, and help from good people; but most of all results and success.
found us - peter cobley - locations
I work across the United Kingdom, and internationally, and I am now located in Tobermory and Oban. I would love to hear from companies based in Tobermory, or for that matter the Isle of Mull, Oban, and Argyll and Bute.
The good news is found us has always worked remotely. I’ve dealt with people and business in China, South Korea, New York and other locations.
So please be aware that being in the Hebrides means nothing to working with people. I’ve always worked this way, enjoy it, and am successful. Face to face meetings can happen quite easily as well, travel not being an issue.
So that’s that one wrapped up.
found us - tobermory - a synopsis
found us can easily work with smaller businesses (or larger) to help grow and utilise their offline and online marketing. This could for example be digitally led using search marketing in the form of PPC and SEO, with the supporting data analysis as to a business’s eCommerce performance. Programmatic forms a core as well, thus allowing for above the line marketing, in addition to below the line.
Offline can incorporate traditional media as based on a cost per thousand (CPT), whether press, print, magazine, broadcast, radio, or ambient for example.
Audio visual (AV) work goes without saying, and we are skilled in this area.
Anyway just read below.
Looking out into the Sound of Mull from Tobermory
services - a by no means definitive list
What I wanted to do here was list, also for basic SEO purposes, what it is I do. This will inform in a somewhat simplistic way what I do.
I’ve never need to optimise for non-brand terms; should be interesting to see how I fare as an example!
services - consultancy - non-executive
I’ve sat on a board of directors since the first such role in 2001 when made a director at a Carlton TV (ITV), which was my first board director role. That I had to learn fast, encounter pain, encounter joy, and think very hard is an understatement.
I built on this first role with further such roles across different businesses, and learnt a lot, was successful, and delivered results.
I suppose if I were to condense the experience I have it would be my being able to start a business, grow it, and sell it. Or join a growing business and grow it further. Or work with a more mature business to make it more efficient or profitable.
Ultimately it all depends on what people want to achieve as their life goals. Something I excel in.
services - consultancy - acting as a director
I can act as a stop gap director if you need one, with a commercial, sales or marketing bias.
services - sales director
I am a good sales director both offline and online. I’ve sold agency, media owner, and client side working on standardised volume sales across to bespoke pitches for a company’s advertising budget. I’ve built sales teams from scratch, managed them, and delivered results.
services - executive search and headhunting
found us was initially created in 2014 to focus on executive search and head hunting, based upon the extensive experience, connections, and the knowledge of Peter Cobley.
Senior roles have been placed within a number of known blue chip businesses and smaller independents. Senior roles have been created in businesses where Peter Cobley has applied his board level commercial knowledge.
Have a read to find out more:
services - marketing
I come from both online and offline media, with above and below the line experience, helping market my client’s business to customers. Both consumer and trade.
I also partner with friends who act as data specialists across to fractional CMO’s. They can bring a breadth of experience and knowledge to your business.
services - PPC
In 2002 I first came across search marketing at the start of the market when working for GoTo.com/Overture. I am very familiar with utilising search and pay per click marketing to achieve results.
services - SEO
A big area for all companies and in the UK very Google centric. An area I am familiar with, where I partner with some of the best SEO techies in the business.
services - Programmatic
Arguably the buzz word of digital advertising presently, maybe even the darling child. It has its pros and cons as does any medium. Point is I am very familiar with this area of display, having been around with Blue Lithium or Struq at the very start of it all.
services - web
I’ve been involved in many web builds and launches and can dig deep into this area, as can the partners I use.
my partners - the hidden ingredient to success
I know a ridiculous amount of people in advertising, marketing, and media, and utilise a number of them in my business as transparent partners. Why?
One man cannot do all, and these friends are at the top of their game whether SEO, eCommerce, web builds, strategy, and the rest.
They are tried and tested friends who have repeatedly delivered for me. Could be a marketing strategy piece, a Shopify build, a media buy - it does not matter.
one for the clients - why found us?
We are knowledgeable, experienced, hard working, and loved by our clients - you are welcome to talk to them.
Being small, with partners, means we are very, very nimble when working with people and businesses.
Ourselves and our partners work transparently, and at any given moment you know where we are against target and cost.
And speaking of cost we are very, very competitive! Why? Because we are small, and as they say perfectly formed.