Pay per Click search advertising (PPC)

View from the found us office over Tobermory

A possibly contentious or easy to utilise form of advertising that originated from the search market that was created (and believe it or not copied from and not invented by Google) by, that rebranded to Overture, that was then acquired by Yahoo! I worked for the company and have a very much deep depth knowledge of the PPC marketplace, initially Search but now straddling other channels, e.g. Social Media.

I am keen to work with companies or people on the Isle of Mull where I live in Tobermory, or Oban and the Argyll and Bute area. That said I work UK wide and internationally, and have done so for years.

PPC (Pay Per Click) from Tobermory, Isle of Mull and Oban

I don’t propose to write reams on PPC as it a quite mature channel now and arguable one must focus on the quality of a company’s website and a customers path to it and through it, and of how we can create a desired action that benefits company and customer, for example a sale.

I understand the metrics of making paid search and pay per click media (Programmatic Display for example) work for a business to achieve above, below, or through the line results. I have over 20 years experience in the area.

Looking out from Oban to the island of Kerrera and beyond the Isle of Mull

I can distill my knowledge into the following areas where I can help

  1. Understanding the concept of PPC, how it works, of how it can fit in and supplement all marketing activity, but does not have to be the “expensive” be and end all that it can be, as well as you advertising “red herring”.

  2. Understanding and grasping how the technology works, for example how to structure a Google Ads account to leverage the Quality Score element of the channel, across to buying correctly via a DSP.

  3. Understanding the importance of content to leverage the advertising platforms position “reward” systems, i.e. position in Sponsored Links for a keyword, without degradation of content serving its purpose of attracting consumers into taking a purchasing, non-purchasing action, and brand being negatively affected through poor copy writing.

  4. Working with you to enhance your website to initiate good customer action. It is in one sense very easy to get the customer to the company website, but so so many customers don’t find a website “sticky” and “bounce” away, and thus the marketing activity and spend are wasted. We can help with ad copy, landing pages, and page/website testing whether A/B or as advanced as multivariate. A website like Amazon is leagues ahead of other eCommerce websites with a killing double figure website conversion rate.

  5. And this brings me onto data. Which does not have to be slavish and look nice. We/I’ve knowledge of drilling down into the data in order to use it to benefit company and customer. It is a big area, and an important one, and involves software such as Google Analytics. You need to know your “bang for your buck”. Suffice to say we love crunching numbers and data.

  6. Lastly and maybe this should be point 1. We crucially help with drilling down into what it is you sell by way of product or service, who you sell it to and how your customers buy from you. We then drill down even further for example by looking at relevant keyword searches across to usage of the correct copy. This is the research phase way before you do anything media wise, and the bit of the iceberg under the waterline; the large bit, the important bit. I’ve many years of experience in researching what companies do, and of how they can successfully use digital marketing bought on a pay per click or other cost metric.

I am happy to work on a consultancy, fee based offering, or commission only model. This can very much suit the smaller (or larger) business with finite and precious online marketing budget.

Tobermory Harbour

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found us search marketing

Search Marketing is a forte of found us and Peter Cobley. It is in the blood. And a consummate service we offer our clients whether in Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Oban, Argyll and Bute, or UK wide… and internationally.

We create, deliver, manage, report on successful PPC and SEO campaigns across search, utilising years of experience having worked for major companies and agencies, having received the best of training from the likes of Google or technical Guru’s.

A November shot of Tobermory harbour from Main Street

We have a wealth of experience in search marketing having been in from the start. We were talking and living search back in 2002 in its infancy and worked for who invented the Pay Per Click (PPC) model, which Google was to copy to monetise their search.

PPC can appear to be a mystery, especially when run by an agency where there may be no transparency, jargon, or data that baffles. In found us (as is our mantra) we keep all simple and start from basics.

  • WHATS. We use this acronym when talking to clients. We need to know what a business gets up to. What do you make? How do you make it? What area do you sell to? To whom are you selling to? And what are your special features?

  • We obtain lots and lots and lots of data, but this can obscure a client’s needs. So we always make sure we ask what the client wants and why. We identify the “need”.

  • We do use tools, and won’t mention them here, suffice to say we are at the edge of it all.

  • We deliver on results whether straight forwardly measured on advertising metrics through to complex eCommerce data sets where we might be looking at margins, repeat business, or sale values for example.

SEO is arguably a land of smoke and mirrors and of consternation for most individuals and companies.

  • We utilise from our partner network some of the finest techies that work in SEO.

  • We can also draw upon specialists in data, machine learning, neural pathways, heuristics, and other areas.

  • Reporting and monitoring is a big part of what we do, and we tie all this into a businesses metrics.

  • SEO forms part of an overall marketing for us - it is not a means to an end.

Artificial Intelligence is a buzz word at the moment in advertising and we don’t wish to write War and Peace on this area, suffice to say we draw upon specialists who partner with us. And we are very aware of it for search marketing.

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