found us business development and sales
Business development and sales (they are two ways of saying the same thing) is certainly an area of enjoyment and success. Sales is the bloodline of Peter Cobley and something he has been working in for years.
Main Street, Tobermory, Isle of Mull - where we go for coffee breaks
Selling is something I/we are very, very good at. Having sold press, magazine, TV, across to digital we are very knowledgeable in media sales for both offline and online, above, below, and through the line.
Highly trained in business development we can pull a pitch team together to win a client’s advertising budget whether web build, eCommerce, paid or earned media, or for that matter anything that revolves around advertising, marketing, and media.
So, we are often hired to act as sales or commercial director, sales team, or lead gen operation for the smaller business, or are brought in by a bigger business to work on a complex bespoke pitch.
We strategise all the time and harness data to make sales decisions, using the latest in sales software, that could be Salesforce or Hubspot.
We look at what the client is selling, and how they are selling a product or a service. It is not just simply about the power of a brand. It is also about the sales process, and the all important marketing of a business and its product or service.
We have sold for media owners, agencies, and clients.
We have sold advertising, web builds, eCommerce services, strategy, digital transformation and much other.
We can parachute into a company to help, train, or build a sales team and operation.
We can write and implement a company’s sales strategy, helping staff deliver upon it.
We have many testimonials of sales success stories where we literally changed the P&L for a company within a quarter.
Peter Cobley has been trained by some of the best people and companies in the business over his 30 years of working in the “game”.