International executive search and selection for advertising, marketing, media from Tobermory, Oban, and the Isle of Mull.
Peter Cobley (that’s myself) really should shout more about his international executive search and selection within advertising, marketing, and media. I’m now based in Tobermory, Isle of Mull, also work from Oban, and other parts of Argyll and Bute - with regular travel.
Why shout about executive search?
Because I’ve worked in senior roles including board level, within start ups and fast growing businesses, PLCs, and where there may be a technology/IP element.
Some of these businesses were built to be sold, or to simply increase revenue and size. All of which have been successful.
So I understand senior roles in a leadership team in a growth company or more mature business.
I understand what it is to be a senior person, your thoughts, wants and needs, and of where you might be in your personal life - it’s not about the role, it is about the person and there can be mentoring as part of the journey of career and personal change.
I know how to work with each of our businesses whether small or large. I understand a business and the people that make each one tick, working closely with people to understand values, running, products and services, commercial and people needs.
Who, how, where
The candidates we deal with come from all backgrounds and walks of life.
The businesses range from client, media owner, and advertising agency. Some are technology led.
We use experience and knowledge.
We use software and methodologies to aid our executive search and selection.
We are able to report on progress to client and candidate with real time statistics. All is transparent to those involved
We recruit internationally and have placed C-Suite, senior leadership candidates, in the UK and as far afield as Shanghai in China.
We have worked with some of the smallest, up and coming advertising agencies across to the biggest names including Dentsu, Interpublic, and Omincom Media Group.
The same applies for media owners such as Channel 4 or Global Media.
And the. there is the client of which there has been a multitude across numerous sectors.
Some of the companies have been technology led; small growing companies in the digital transformation field, across to behemoths like Microsoft.
If curious please do contact us, and you are also welcome to speak to our clients. Just ask Peter Cobley!
found us consulting
Consulting for found us is to simply meet with people and a business (client) and find out what they need and help them get it, or advise not to not get it, or look at things another way - the point is we listen or observe what is “bugging” a client, and resolutely solve it with solutions attached to action plans, firmly using a KISS principle, melded with experience, knowledge, hard work, and most of all HONESTY.
A red morning sunrise in Tobermory
No one person or business is an island, and we believe in the partners we use when providing consulting services.
We leverage a group of partners who are leaders in their respective fields, with experience ranging from mergers and acquisitions, building teams, strategy, business plans, or sales and marketing plans.
And all of this delivered from Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Oban; whilst we operate across the UK and internationally.
What have you consulted on?
One example is providing the marketing plan for a leading digital advertising agency.
Another, providing commercial expertise for a up coming search agency, helping it grow and also acquire staff.
Across to helping drive a pitch toward successful conclusion for a blue chip pharmaceutical account.
Or training a number of brand managers for a international blue chip company on digital marketing.
found us marketing
From small acorns come oak trees… marketing leads to growth. (The Glass House, Isle of Mull)
We have written marketing plans solo, or with marketing experts who we partner with; such people being marketing directors or fractional marketing directors by trade. As such we can deliver precise, easy to implement marketing plans backed by sound research data, strategy, fuelled by knowledge and experience.
We welcome clients to come and talk to us about their needs, or what they think are their needs. We can then work together to construct a viable marketing plan that considers all platforms and channels.
One of our projects that is worthy of mention involved a fact find with a leading digital agency to discuss and discover what services were on offer, how these could be refined and then marketed to a defined audience; our having established the target audience. A marketing plan was then constructed for the senior leadership team, and commercial director, with a turnaround time of one month from meetings to delivery.
Feel free to contact found us in Tobermory (and Oban) and we will be happy to chat. Bear in mind that we work UK wide and internationally where necessary.
found us, and programmatic advertising
Programmatic, display, programmatic, display… these words are all about advertising, and how much it costs to reach a thousand people (CPT) and what those people then do, who then react to this type of advertising. It is a wide ocean of Programmatic out there presently.
The view from Oban Jetty toward the island of Kerrara and the Sound of Mull
We at found us were brought up with display as sold on a CPT/CPM* model back in the olden days, when only a 468 x 60 pixel banner was available, and this would have been around 1998. We followed and learnt as the industry developed with new delivery and tracking technology, not to mention formats.
Where we are now sees the “black box” of technology allow for very specific media buys based upon observed and declared user data. We dispel the confusion, jargon, and smoke and mirrors that sadly pervades this area.
For our clients we can utilise the Programmatic medium (channel) as low cost entry to consumers or trade with stunning results to boot, and all backed up by tracking, whilst also integrated into other online or offline channels.
Don’t hesitate to contact us in Tobermory, Isle of Mull, or Oban, to find out more of how we can help you to use Programmatic successfully for branding or direct response purposes.
*Cost per thousand/Cost per Mille
found us business development and sales
Business development and sales (they are two ways of saying the same thing) is certainly an area of enjoyment and success. Sales is the bloodline of Peter Cobley and something he has been working in for years.
Main Street, Tobermory, Isle of Mull - where we go for coffee breaks
Selling is something I/we are very, very good at. Having sold press, magazine, TV, across to digital we are very knowledgeable in media sales for both offline and online, above, below, and through the line.
Highly trained in business development we can pull a pitch team together to win a client’s advertising budget whether web build, eCommerce, paid or earned media, or for that matter anything that revolves around advertising, marketing, and media.
So, we are often hired to act as sales or commercial director, sales team, or lead gen operation for the smaller business, or are brought in by a bigger business to work on a complex bespoke pitch.
We strategise all the time and harness data to make sales decisions, using the latest in sales software, that could be Salesforce or Hubspot.
We look at what the client is selling, and how they are selling a product or a service. It is not just simply about the power of a brand. It is also about the sales process, and the all important marketing of a business and its product or service.
We have sold for media owners, agencies, and clients.
We have sold advertising, web builds, eCommerce services, strategy, digital transformation and much other.
We can parachute into a company to help, train, or build a sales team and operation.
We can write and implement a company’s sales strategy, helping staff deliver upon it.
We have many testimonials of sales success stories where we literally changed the P&L for a company within a quarter.
Peter Cobley has been trained by some of the best people and companies in the business over his 30 years of working in the “game”.
found us search marketing
Search Marketing is a forte of found us and Peter Cobley. It is in the blood. And a consummate service we offer our clients whether in Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Oban, Argyll and Bute, or UK wide… and internationally.
We create, deliver, manage, report on successful PPC and SEO campaigns across search, utilising years of experience having worked for major companies and agencies, having received the best of training from the likes of Google or technical Guru’s.
A November shot of Tobermory harbour from Main Street
We have a wealth of experience in search marketing having been in from the start. We were talking and living search back in 2002 in its infancy and worked for who invented the Pay Per Click (PPC) model, which Google was to copy to monetise their search.
PPC can appear to be a mystery, especially when run by an agency where there may be no transparency, jargon, or data that baffles. In found us (as is our mantra) we keep all simple and start from basics.
WHATS. We use this acronym when talking to clients. We need to know what a business gets up to. What do you make? How do you make it? What area do you sell to? To whom are you selling to? And what are your special features?
We obtain lots and lots and lots of data, but this can obscure a client’s needs. So we always make sure we ask what the client wants and why. We identify the “need”.
We do use tools, and won’t mention them here, suffice to say we are at the edge of it all.
We deliver on results whether straight forwardly measured on advertising metrics through to complex eCommerce data sets where we might be looking at margins, repeat business, or sale values for example.
SEO is arguably a land of smoke and mirrors and of consternation for most individuals and companies.
We utilise from our partner network some of the finest techies that work in SEO.
We can also draw upon specialists in data, machine learning, neural pathways, heuristics, and other areas.
Reporting and monitoring is a big part of what we do, and we tie all this into a businesses metrics.
SEO forms part of an overall marketing for us - it is not a means to an end.
Artificial Intelligence is a buzz word at the moment in advertising and we don’t wish to write War and Peace on this area, suffice to say we draw upon specialists who partner with us. And we are very aware of it for search marketing.
found us executive search, and headhunting
When found us came to life in February 2014 it solely worked in executive search and selection across the advertising, marketing, and media industries with a focus on the North UK.
Tobermory 17th November 2024
It does not really matter what you call it, whether executive search and selection or head hunting. The point is Peter Cobley and found us excel in the placement of senior people, in senior roles. Why?
Because of unrivalled personal connections within the industries of advertising, media, and marketing dating back years. There is detailed knowledge of the relevant businesses at senior level, Peter Cobley having worked as a board director for a number of years; in both online and offline channels. And you can ask around as to how well I’m known!
However it is our approach that makes us so, so different to the competitors.
Empathy - Peter Cobley is able to place himself in the shoes of senior people who are looking to move, and of where they might be within themselves as people, their career, their wants and needs. I can help with mentoring and personal development. For my clients I am able to find the right people for a business, understanding where a business and its senior leadership team are heading.
SWOT - Nearly all competitors operate to a brief, which of course I can do. But I can operate outside of the norm, and this all comes down to my commercial experience. I regularly talk to my clients and know their businesses and know where they have a gap or commercial need. I can then discover or match people to fulfil the business need. Likewise, I speak to candidates on the look, who I can then refer to businesses knowing a business has a need. Or I can sell a candidate into a business where I can see a connection - after all I have run and lived business, and am a entrepreneurial person. Thus I’m not slavishly working brief to person, person to brief, which can be very formulaic.
Experience - I have placed a variety of senior roles nationally and internationally. These have included, Managing Director, Broadcast Director, Executive Creative Director, Head of Digital.
Process/reporting - I delight in reporting process during the discovery and hire of a person. Full accountability is a must for clients, and products such as Nutshell, Hubspot, or plain old Excel may be used. Likewise a candidate is consistently kept in the loop.
Analysis - Always analysing the hire, the company, the people, the situation, and the role. I do, where necessary, utilise psychometric tests or personality tests for example. Or I may create a candidate pipeline to look at trends and other observational factor.
Location - I am based in Tobermory on the Isle of Mull, with Oban close by as the nearest town. We work though nationally and internationally.
what found us offers its clients
Wednesday 13th November - Oban harbour, the town, McCaig’s Tower at night
I am enjoying exploring Oban, where I have now been a handful of times since landing properly on the Isle of Mull. This is my 4th full week on the island and I am thoroughly enjoying it, and being with my wife Claire makes me happy.
With found us I now turn my attention to work; so think it useful to drill down in a post and explain what it is I do for people and businesses.
my full profile - linkedIn
Have a look to who, what, where I am. You’ll see that there is a huge wealth of experience, qualifications, hard work and effort, some luck and being in the right place at the right time, and help from good people; but most of all results and success.
found us - peter cobley - locations
I work across the United Kingdom, and internationally, and I am now located in Tobermory and Oban. I would love to hear from companies based in Tobermory, or for that matter the Isle of Mull, Oban, and Argyll and Bute.
The good news is found us has always worked remotely. I’ve dealt with people and business in China, South Korea, New York and other locations.
So please be aware that being in the Hebrides means nothing to working with people. I’ve always worked this way, enjoy it, and am successful. Face to face meetings can happen quite easily as well, travel not being an issue.
So that’s that one wrapped up.
found us - tobermory - a synopsis
found us can easily work with smaller businesses (or larger) to help grow and utilise their offline and online marketing. This could for example be digitally led using search marketing in the form of PPC and SEO, with the supporting data analysis as to a business’s eCommerce performance. Programmatic forms a core as well, thus allowing for above the line marketing, in addition to below the line.
Offline can incorporate traditional media as based on a cost per thousand (CPT), whether press, print, magazine, broadcast, radio, or ambient for example.
Audio visual (AV) work goes without saying, and we are skilled in this area.
Anyway just read below.
Looking out into the Sound of Mull from Tobermory
services - a by no means definitive list
What I wanted to do here was list, also for basic SEO purposes, what it is I do. This will inform in a somewhat simplistic way what I do.
I’ve never need to optimise for non-brand terms; should be interesting to see how I fare as an example!
services - consultancy - non-executive
I’ve sat on a board of directors since the first such role in 2001 when made a director at a Carlton TV (ITV), which was my first board director role. That I had to learn fast, encounter pain, encounter joy, and think very hard is an understatement.
I built on this first role with further such roles across different businesses, and learnt a lot, was successful, and delivered results.
I suppose if I were to condense the experience I have it would be my being able to start a business, grow it, and sell it. Or join a growing business and grow it further. Or work with a more mature business to make it more efficient or profitable.
Ultimately it all depends on what people want to achieve as their life goals. Something I excel in.
services - consultancy - acting as a director
I can act as a stop gap director if you need one, with a commercial, sales or marketing bias.
services - sales director
I am a good sales director both offline and online. I’ve sold agency, media owner, and client side working on standardised volume sales across to bespoke pitches for a company’s advertising budget. I’ve built sales teams from scratch, managed them, and delivered results.
services - executive search and headhunting
found us was initially created in 2014 to focus on executive search and head hunting, based upon the extensive experience, connections, and the knowledge of Peter Cobley.
Senior roles have been placed within a number of known blue chip businesses and smaller independents. Senior roles have been created in businesses where Peter Cobley has applied his board level commercial knowledge.
Have a read to find out more:
services - marketing
I come from both online and offline media, with above and below the line experience, helping market my client’s business to customers. Both consumer and trade.
I also partner with friends who act as data specialists across to fractional CMO’s. They can bring a breadth of experience and knowledge to your business.
services - PPC
In 2002 I first came across search marketing at the start of the market when working for I am very familiar with utilising search and pay per click marketing to achieve results.
services - SEO
A big area for all companies and in the UK very Google centric. An area I am familiar with, where I partner with some of the best SEO techies in the business.
services - Programmatic
Arguably the buzz word of digital advertising presently, maybe even the darling child. It has its pros and cons as does any medium. Point is I am very familiar with this area of display, having been around with Blue Lithium or Struq at the very start of it all.
services - web
I’ve been involved in many web builds and launches and can dig deep into this area, as can the partners I use.
my partners - the hidden ingredient to success
I know a ridiculous amount of people in advertising, marketing, and media, and utilise a number of them in my business as transparent partners. Why?
One man cannot do all, and these friends are at the top of their game whether SEO, eCommerce, web builds, strategy, and the rest.
They are tried and tested friends who have repeatedly delivered for me. Could be a marketing strategy piece, a Shopify build, a media buy - it does not matter.
one for the clients - why found us?
We are knowledgeable, experienced, hard working, and loved by our clients - you are welcome to talk to them.
Being small, with partners, means we are very, very nimble when working with people and businesses.
Ourselves and our partners work transparently, and at any given moment you know where we are against target and cost.
And speaking of cost we are very, very competitive! Why? Because we are small, and as they say perfectly formed.
Early Christmas Treat For Customers.
It is November. I have an early Christmas Consulting Treat. Read further for what’s on offer.
Argyll Terrace, Tobermory - Saturday 2nd November
A lot has happened this year. And a lot certainly happened in October; the most notable a move to Tobermory and the Isle of Mull. What will happen in November and December, of what remains of 2024 for found us, Peter Cobley, and those he knows or is yet to know?
Now that things have settled down
Now that I have settled down, I can focus on found us and its customers; or yet to meet customers which I imagine will be in the locality of the Highlands and Islands.
The business is two thirds consulting where I apply my sales and marketing, commercial, and board level experience across the advertising, marketing, and media verticals and its people.
The other third is a gift for working with and knowing people, and applying that to executive search and selection/head hunting for the industries I've working in - advertising, marketing, media. I’ve placed MD’s, broadcast directors, executive creative directors, heads of digital before now for leading businesses, and start ups.
I have a track record of working within start ups, businesses in growth, and established blue chip entities - all of which required me to hit stern targets, which I delivered on. This has been across commercial, sales, and marketing functions.
You can see some of the companies I have worked with in the work section of found us.
I can provide exact details of how I target set, of how targets were delivered upon, of how metrics such as margins were part of the process; all such facts and figures I am happy to share with people.
Sales, marketing, running companies is my forte, and I am good with people. I can be utilised in pulling a team together in a joint enterprise to achieve the result, and I have always excelled in this.
So if you are a business person or company looking for a transformation person, a growth person, a new business getter, or a senior “sounding board” I’m your man.
The Pre-Christmas OFFER
I am keen to engage with a new client in the county of Argyll and Bute where I now live. But the offer applies to any person or company that needs help, is genuine, and delivers good product and service.
I will happily work for a day free of charge.
Ideally a company or person in start up phase, and needs that help, that leg up, the experience of someone who has been in the game, delivering results for a number of years.
I get a delight out of helping people and companies, seeing them prosper, and it is not about the money any more.
(Such work will also keep me out of trouble. Ahem…)
Sums me up really. I’m Claire’s know - that’s the wife - but a very kind hearted knob.
Oban, New Business Offer…
I look back on my first proper week on Mull with fondness and happiness.
Saturday just gone - St Columba’s Cathedral in Oban
When in Oban Wednesday I thought possibly of staying over, though in the end did get the last ferry back to Mull with Claire.
My thoughts that day moved to new business and my new location. And I revisit this on Sunday, today.
Wednesday on the 495 from Tobermory to Craignuire - beats Tameside for views
Wednesday on board the Loch Frisa, heading to Oban - drizzle and cloud
Wednesday’s weather report; it was overcast and low cloud and drizzle, making this amazing place brooding and atmospheric. (Amazing place being Mull, Sound of Mull, and Oban.)
I’m was over for a meeting in Oban. With a possible stay over to see friends. Claire was also heading over that evening, and I hooked up with her, both getting the last ferry back, my having decided not to stay over.
Saturday saw us both back in Oban
Minty needs some work on a possible blocked ERG valve, which is to do with particulate recycling. Minty is the campervan we love and cherish.
Lochaline waiting for a ferry, Friday 18th October
So Saturday saw us on a ferry again to hand the campervan over to a local chap for the work, with a day out in Oban. The rain held off until the afternoon, with us seeing an overcast mainland and bracing wind as we shopped, walked, slurped coffee.
The highlight was St Columba’s Cathedral. Roman Catholic which is my religion of birth. And what a cavernous place of peace, prayer, and reflection. (I am not religious these days, just spiritual.)
We sat there in contemplation in a mostly empty church, both making a connection.
New Business (and an offer)
I still push the offer of a day’s free work from found us, ideally for a start up, or business local to Oban.
I enjoy helping smaller businesses not to mention my being delighted were I able to help someone in my new home location.
So if you are interested or know of a business in the Tobermory or Oban vicinity, do let me know. Happy to provide my Consultancy services for a day free of charge.
(And this also applies to businesses located elsewhere, or who may already know me.)
A day’s FREE Work - celebrating a move to Tobermory.
As of Friday just gone I finally joined my wife in Tobermory. And this is also a beautiful relocation for found us and my clients, and potential new clients and people.
Looking into Tobermory Harbour
An Offer
It is a straightforward no strings attached way of my getting to know new customers especially those on my new doorstep in Scotland.
I am happy to provide a day’s service FOC across any of the disciplines I work in.
Read below, have a look around the website and get back to me.
Peter Cobley and found us
In a nutshell I excel in Executive Search and Selection, Consultancy, Sales and Marketing Services, Mentoring; and acting as a Director for start ups or businesses in growth that may need a Commercial Director or Non-Exec, or could for example need help with company structure, profitability, or staff and process efficiency.
I have a track record of achieving results with years of experience in offline and online media, in both London, the Regions, and Ireland. I’ve been involved in the growth and sale of companies, building and management of teams, acquisition and retention of clients.
With Digital I am consummate, being well versed in how to use search, programmatic, across to conversion at website. I’ve been multi channel and platform for many years, have retail and eCommerce experience, as well as knowledge of above the line branding work.
I work with start ups across to medium sized businesses, and am fascinated by what I will find in both the Isle of Mull, its neighbouring islands, and the mainland, including all around Oban, my nearest town. My clients and contacts are UK based, and I work internationally, and this includes having placed a General Manager for an agency in their Shanghai office.
For years I have worked for major brands and have a look at this in the Work section of found us - it is by no means my total work over 10 years. Working with blue chips and brands is something that I will always do, especially leveraging my London and Legal experience.
So it is exiting times for found us.
Peter Cobley, a bit more.
A grasp of my back ground can be found on LinkedIn, and my life found at
found us - An Offer For Customers.
Hunting for good businesses to work with, helping grow them using years of experience and success.
And as an early Christmas treat, and to celebrate my move to Tobermory I’ll include a free day of initial consultancy, executive head hunting, or sales and marketing services - read below
Tobermory, Isle of Mull
So as of yesterday found us finds itself living in Tobermory, Isle of Mull. A wonderful place to live with my wife, and for us to indulge in our love of the outdoors.
Photo taken at “Crater Loch” (Lochan’s Airde Beinn)
The found us location is irrelevant and it always has been remote, even when based out of Manchester for the last 10’years. I’ve a history of meetings in various locations and Zoom calls with people overseas.
I remember one challenging brief when seekng an experienced Executive Creative Director for a leading creative agency that involved Zooms as far afield as South Korea and Taiwan.
And to be honest my career has always involved travel, whether real, or virtual.
found us executive search and selection
This successful side of my business and experience has seen my find and bring to a business senior leadership candidates. I’ve placed for Microsoft across to Dentsu, and helped build teams for OMG/PHD, not to mention others. I have thoroughly enjoyed the briefs and working with talented people, who’s skill sets have ranged from Broadcast Director, Creative Director, or Digital Media Director.
I’ve leveraged my contacts, knowledge of the industry, and use quantitative methods to assess candidates, reporting back to clients as to progress.
Happy to provide testimonials.
This is something I take great pleasure in and also works alongside my Honorary Teaching Fellow position at Lancaster Management School.
I’ve helped talent spot, grow, and drive people’s careers. I work closely with business leaders who also help with mentoring, having run and sold businesses themselves.
Again, happy to provide Testimonials.
I’d always wanted to grow this area of the business and did so successfully after COVID.
I’ve worked with advertising agencies, clients, and media owners to help advise on subjects ranging from staff, sales and marketing and commercial matters, helping write marketing plans or advise on business metrics for example.
Ask for more information, or testimonials.
The offer!
A day of free work across any of the above disciplines.
That’s it, and no strings attached.
Tobermory with “The Boss”
found us and Peter Cobley
A friend of mine, James Brown (not the deceased Soul legend from the grave), has given me a kick up the bum and demanded I say nice things about my business and myself.
Well here goes. Gulp.
Photo of myself at the halfway camp of the Saunders Mountain Marathon 2024.
Let’s start of with yours truly. I’m 53 years old with a huge wealth of experience in the advertising, marketing, and media industries, both offline and online.
I started my career in London in National Press in 1994, then shifted to ITV. I embraced digital/online properly in 1998, and helped roll out the likes of Who wants to be a Millionaire onto the Web. I hit the Search marketplace right at the start around 2002.
And from that point onwards I occupied Senior Leadership positions in start ups across to multi-million turnover businesses as a Board Director. All of which led to acquisition or growth of said businesses.
A damn fine track record!
found us
In February 2014 my business had life breathed into it, and I’ve never really looked back. I was as able to fulfil my love of working with and growing people and businesses.
The business originally focused on the executive search and selection in my industry, something I was and am successful at working with major agencies, clients and media owners to find C-Suite people.
As the business developed I rekindled my mentoring and person development skills, also deciding to not hire staff or explains the business along those lines. I’d been there, done that, and bought the proverbial t-shirt.
After COVID I started consulting, if but for the fact the bottom fell out of the senior recruitment market in the advertising, marketing, and media fields. The Regions I excel in; North England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, all have a superb wealth of talent and businesses.
I act as a sales and marketing director, commercial, Sales or Non-Exec. As a Board Director I am experienced, trained, reliable, honest and achievement led.
You are welcome to talk to my clients.
I’m a director for hire with strong experience in start up and established business and I tenaciously deliver results, also utilising a tried and tested group of people who I’ve known for years.
Me, myself, and Peter
I work closely advising the team at the Management School of Lancaster University.
I give back by Volunteering with:
OCD Action (I’m an OCD sufferer with a very analytical mind.)
Change Grow Live (CGL - addiction services)
ANEW - charity rehab and homeless services.
I have a mantra of “give back what was freely given to you.”
You see I was helped in my career and life by some wonderful mentors. I learned a lot from them.
I read loads and listen to loads. Currently I’m listening to a Murikami book, across to re-reading Stephen Covey material, and dipping into Gabor Mate’s In the realm of the Hungry Ghosts.
In my spare time I’m to be found running about the hills as I fell in love with Fell Running (trail/mountain running), and have raced for many years.
Claire, my wife, and I love travel, outdoor swimming, and cycle touring. All of which we’ve done way before it became fashionable!
Look me up, really do. I love people and nice businesses and enjoy helping people up their chosen ladder, or will roll my sleeves up and help grow a nice people led business.
I’m very good at what I do! And I am proud to say this.
Oban Harbour.
Substance over Form. Secrets, Lies. The Law of Equity.
Backpackers hostel in Oban.
What secrets are you keeping? What lies are you keeping? What is your truth? Are you speaking your truth?
Do you think of how you present yourself professionally? Have you ever thought of yourself as a limited company with a mission statement and brand values?
Who are you versus what you choose to show, and how does this potentially affect you?
This is so important for how you present to other people, who will then interpret your presentation via their own filters. This is so important for your well being. I shall explain.
Oban Harbour.
Looking out over Oban Harbour, evening of Wednesday 16th October.
Substance and Form, Truth and Lies
Substance is what and who we are. This is our raw self, good and bad.
Form is how we present to the world (and believe it or not ourselves.)
Truth is self explanatory as are lies.
The Law of Equity / Jurisprudence
I studied Law at Lancaster University and thoroughly enjoyed it. Left leaning approach and certainly not Black Letter Law which seeks to make Law and Life as based upon rules; very dull and facile if you ask me.
In my second year I had to study Equity as a requirement for the Bar and the Law Society, and also chose to study Jurisprudence as an elective. It opened my mind as to Natural Law versus Man made Law, and the power of Equity, and legendary Judges such as Denning who used it to creat such vehicles as the Constructive Trust.
Point is I learnt about Substance and Form via the Equitable Maxim of Equity looks to Intent rather than Form
I am now going to copy from:
Why? Because they beautifully explain the history of the Courts of Equity and Equity’s Maxims, one of which is the aforementioned Intent rather than Form.
Based on my legal philosophy, especially in the dangerous age of Social Media I suggest you take yourself back to basics and ask the following questions.
Who am I?
What do I believe in and stand for?
What is my purpose?
If I were a business, what would be my mission statement? What’s my Substance.
Is there a dichotomy, a plain discrepancy between my Substance and Form? Form is how I view myself and how others view me.
If there is discrepancy, you will be subject to inner turmoil and spiritual malaise. To present against your true Substance is hard, hard work. And people I suspect at times will see through this. And to be see through is to lose trust and connection. Frighteningly we can also lose connection with self.
But it might be the case you have to look to your very Substance. And slowly but surely change how you tick - and this is hard. Your Form (how you present) is undoubtedly an output of Substance.
Oban Harbour looking out to the island of Kerrera.
Are you will to take a risk and alter “you” and your “environment”? This is a photo taken last night of Oban at dusk. My wife and I have chosen to change where we live. We are also working on ourselves, and how we present.
What does this mean for me?
You have two options.
You can present who you really are, be who you are, showing all imperfections. Substance. You can actually drop the word “present” as it is artifice. Just be. I’ll come back to this.
You can “present” to the world, which is okay since we all wear character hats or personas. Whether son, daughter, mother, employee and so on.
But be authentic and true to your Substance. Your Form should reflect your very Substance. This creates connection to self, to other, and inner peace.
With point 2. You need to understand that each person is determined by genetics, biology, nurture and environment and will interpret you via their own “filters”.
You can alter your Substance! What you believe in, who you are. It is not easy with age. But as I’ve learnt it is doable. Why live a life that’s not you? Especially when feeling you must fit in.
Be Equitable to yourself and Society.
View from our house in Tobermory.
Freedom from Form (masking myself for people, thinking that’s what they want) has resulted in my having time to savour life. Like drowning in this evening view from the bedroom of our house in Tobermory.
Substance over Form
I’m learning that for a variety of reasons, I’ve spent much of my life focusing on form rather than substance. My focus has been on having my hair done perfectly, wearing the right clothes, having my makeup applied perfectly, living in the right place, furnishing it with the right furniture, working at the right job, and having the right man. Form, rather than substance, has controlled my behavior in many areas of my life. Now, I’m finally getting to the truth. It’s substance that counts. — ANONYMOUS
There is nothing wrong in wanting to look our best. Whether we are striving to create a self, a relationship, or a life, we need to have some solid ideas about what we want that to look like.
Form gives us a place to begin. But for many of us, form has been a substitute for substance. We may have focused on form to compensate for feeling afraid or feeling inferior. We may have focused on form because we didn’t know how to focus on substance. Form is the outline; substance is what fills it in. We fill in the outline of ourselves by being authentic; we fill in the outline of our life by showing up for life and participating to the best of our ability.
Now, in recovery, we’re learning to pay attention to how things work and feel, not just to what they look like.
Today, I will focus on substance in my life. I will fill in the lines of myself with a real person—me. I will concentrate on the substance of my relationships, rather than what they look like. I will focus on the real workings of my life, instead of the trappings.
Panoramic photo of Oban Harbour.
A Scottish adventure, a dream fulfilled. Do you dream?
Glengorm Castle
I write from Lochgilphead, then I’m off to Oban, after that Tobermory on the Isle of Mull which becomes the new home of found us. You may have already seen island photos populating this website.
My wife is Scottish and we are outdoor types, always have been, and we’ve loved the wilds of the Highlands and Islands. Claire landing a teaching role at Tobermory High School became the catalyst for the move, the sale of the house near Saddleworth, and the physical and mental de-cluttering of our lives.
Dreams, Goals, Plans
I want to write about dreams we had and have, and of how in business speak we take the fookin’ fun out of dreams by calling and turning them into goals. In fact we cause internal conflict which leads to stasis or “ground hog day” with plans to follow that we never execute. For me the terms “goals” and “plans” are mere business speak. Business jargon that eviserates the essence of a dream we had or long for.
I’ve always had a love of books, and in this blog post I can only but recall Orwell’s Doublethink from 1984. This is where the individual is sold two conflicting ideas as reality. In the case of 1984 the indoctrination occurs via “Big Brother” within the dystopian society that our protagonist Winston finds himself in.
People dream; we still have that child within us. And dreams are important. Yet when we get a job, a career, we change.
We focus on business goals.
We forget self and life outside of employment, career, life.
We use the word “goals”, letting go of dreams.
This business term “goal” sanitises the dreamers, and all of us dream.
What is a dream?
It is a want, a desire. A wish driven by emotion and our very self. It is an achievement of ours and not another.
And this is a crucial distinction. We have become vehicles fulfilling other’s dreams via the language of goals. This post is about our own personal dreams; of how to recognise, reach them.
This is the conflict, the Doublethinking Orwell warns us of.
We feel we need to create goals and plans but do not realise these are subject to or driven by others goals and plans. So we believe in our goals, but also in achieving the other’s goals seeing them as part of our goals and planning. This is the contradictory position I realised we can find ourselves in. This is society. Believing we can achieve our goals and another’s, when both are mutually exclusive. In real terms this is dressed up as job, career, success, achievement. But we are failing to fulfil our dreams.
Have you ever had a flashback to those childhood days of dreaming?
Dreams and Goals
I prefer to talk about Dreams and Action versus Goals and Plans.
Here’s why.
Dreams are unique and centred in the very soul of the person.
Action is a doing word and avoids our being bogged down in pure plans. Many people plan but can fail to act or are distracted.
I discovered plans are irrelevant because when a dream, it is always with us and we will act on the spot to fulfil a dream and not be limited to plans that may take the very life out of intuition and risk taking.
This aligns with the concept of living in the moment, acting in each moment to create tomorrow’s moment, yet to arrive.
If you must talk Goals
There is a huge wealth of material on goal setting and creating plans to match and meet these goals.
I myself would first recommend reading a famous book called The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People written original by Stephen Covey. Have a look at:
Whilst written a while ago and updated, the book is a valuable insight into how you work as a person, and of how not to work, and of goals and planning in a traditional and business sense.
But we can reduce traditional goal setting (in a business or career context) to the following.
Set a goal. You can use the SMART acronym to do so.
I suggest you also look at a SWOT analysis of self.
Then you create the plan(s) to do materialise goal. I personally prefer looking at Q1-4, and H1/2. You can then break a quarter or half year into individual months, then weeks.
Look at year 1. Then 2-3 years and what you wish to achieve, then 5+ years.
What I am trying to distinguish is my preferring to dream as against thinking of goals. It may seem like semantics, but I use the term dream since this takes me out of work, career, other people, and taps into what is important for me. What in fact “floats my boat.”
We commonly lose our dreams to the job or career or way of life we think we should embrace.
Here’s a good example.
Claire, my wife, and I are outdoor types being fell runners, cyclists, and swimmers. Claire is Scottish and through her we have had many adventures in the Highlands and Islands of her native country. And we were married in Kingussie. We had a dream to move Scotland.
We discussed the dream together.
We made drawings of the house we’d like to live in.
We looked at timelines.
Claire took action by registering with the relevant teaching organisation and getting a new Scottish DBS.
I looked to run found us from Scotland.
The action Claire took was to look for teaching jobs. Hard to come by in the Highlands and Islands.
With it being dream, we were driven, faith and hope created.
Claire eventually spotted a biology teacher role at Tobermory High School which she went for as her dream and won it.
This became the catalyst for us both to take the leap of faith by selling the house and moving to Tobermory.
The dream drove the action.
We did not really lay plans down. We just acted.
You’ll note I use action and not the word plan.
Action delivers and plans do not. If you have a dream and no plans you are likely to act each and every moment you live in.
And this is what I prefer to do now. And it works.
Trust That Good Will Come
It was a slow, boring January day at the Blue Sky Lodge. We had just moved in. The house was a mess. Construction hadn’t begun yet. All we had was a plan, and a dream. It was too cold and rainy to skydive or even be outdoors. There wasn’t any furniture yet. We were lying around on the floor.
I don’t know who got the idea first, him or me. But we both picked up Magic Markers about the same time. Then we started drawing on the wall.
“What do you want to happen in your life?” I asked. He drew pictures of seaplanes, and mountains, and boats leaving the shore. One picture was a video-camera man, jumping out of a plane. “I want adventure,” he said.
I drew pictures of a woman tromping around the world. She went to war-torn countries, then sat on a fence and watched. She visited the mountains and the oceans and many exciting places. Then I drew a heart around the entire picture, and she sat there in the middle of all the experiences on a big stack of books.
“I want stories,” I said, “ones with a lot of heart.”
Across the entire picture, in big letters, he wrote the word “Woohoo.”
As an afterthought, I drew a woman skydiver who had just jumped out of the plane. She was frightened and grimacing. Next to her I wrote the words “Just relax.”
On the bottom of the wall I wrote, “The future is only limited by what we can see now.” He grabbed a marker, crossed out “only,” and changed it to “never.”
“There,” he said, “it’s done.”
Eventually, the house got cleaned up and the construction finished. Furniture arrived. And yellow paint covered the pictures on the wall. We didn’t think much about that wall until months later. Sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, and sometimes in ways we’d least expect, each of the pictures we’d drawn on that wall began to materialize and manifest.
“It’s a magic wall,” I said.
Even if you can’t imagine what’s coming next, relax. The good pictures are still there. The wall will soon become covered with the story of your life. Thank God, the future is never limited by what we can see right now.
The wall isn’t magic.
The magic is in us and what we believe.
Before we start speaking the language of letting go, we need to understand what a powerful behavior letting go and letting God really is.
God, help me do my part. Then help me let go, and let you do yours.
Meditate for a moment on the year ahead. Make a list of things you’d like to see happen, attributes you’d like to gain, things you’d like to get and do, changes you’d like to occur. You don’t have to limit the list to this year. What do you want to happen in your life? Make a list of places you’d like to visit and things you’d like to see. Leave room for the unexpected, the unintended. But make room for the possibility of what you’d like too—your intentions, wishes, dreams, hopes, and goals. Also, list what you’re ready to let go of too—things, people, attitudes, and behaviors you’d like to release. If anything were possible, anything at all, what are the possibilities you’d like to experience and see?
More Language of Letting Go: 366 New Daily Meditations
Lochgilphead… where’s that?
I type on my iPhone, and my first ever blog post via mobile, and the outcome to be see as I juggle photos and text via the Squarespace CMS.
So you find me in Lochgilphead right by the sea loch, Loch Gilp, and the entrance to the Crinan Canal. Find Oban and go South and you’ll find me.
Why am I here? Well in a roundabout way this is part of my journey to Tobermory and the Isle of Mull, and a new chapter in the annals of found us and for that matter myself and my wife Claire.
Some of you more observant ones will have noticed photos on the found us website of Scottish scenes; well most are in fact from Mull.
I and the business (well me) move here to follow Claire my wife’s work, and our dream. That dream was to live in the wilds of Scotland. Claire who is Scottish landed the head of biology teaching job at Tobermory on the Isle of Mull at the High School. We sold our house on the edge of Saddleworth, and Lochgilphead marks an epoch in the move.
What will it bring for found us? Will the consultancy business survive and thrive, or will it pass as many others have? Who knows, suffice to say I’m happy with the 10 years I’ve put in. And excited for change, which I want and so need. You see I’ve always embraced change, even when it creates darkness.
What next? Who knows? Who cares!
Feel free to comment.
Teamwork in its purest form
Sunday 7th July 2024, end of our Wansfell Category race, 24th out of 92 teams overall, 8th Vets out of 40 teams, and 11th out of 48 mixed teams.
So my wife Claire and I completed the 2024 Saunders Mountain Marathon over the weekend just gone, and when thinking about a found us blog post to write realised it is a good example of what is teamwork in what is a stressful environment, not to mention the weather.
Erm. What is a Mountain Marathon?
You may know what fell running is, it is the English for mountain running. It comes from The Lake District where it originated from, hence to term fell. The word fell comes from the old Norse for mountain.
Fell running is therefore running and racing on mountains. Note, we don’t really have mountains in England so it is more about running up and down hills, and it is not exclusively in the Lake District any longer. Funnily enough the sport originated out of gambling, when the Victorian rich and aristocrats would travel via the new train system to the Lakes and their Estates, gambling on the prowess of their boys who worked their land racing up and down hills in competition against other lads working the land from other estates. In effect Victorian upper class types gambling against each other, with the lads able to win sizeable life changing purses of money versus herding sheep.
Orienteering is where you run in a competition against others navigating off a map via checkpoints. And you need to be good at navigation!
The Mountain Marathon combines the two and is unique to fell running and orienteering in the British Isles. You have a weekend and run with a partner across a course in the Lakes carrying all you gear including tent and cooking kit to a half way camp, and on the following day do the same. It is about fell running, navigation, and of choosing your route, yes your route, to pick up checkpoints whilst trying to find the best navigational lines, and completing each day at the fastest pace. It is jolly good fun, challenging, and team work is vital. And weather can take an event in the Lakes and turn it completely on its head…
Team work - a definition.
Teamwork in my words is about one or more people working together to do something. It is that simple and does not need dressing up, but for the purists here is the Collins Dictionary definition.
(tiːmwɜːʳk )
uncountable noun
Teamwork is the ability a group of people have to work well together.
Today's complex buildings require close teamwork between the architect and the builders.
Synonyms: cooperation, collaboration, unity, concert More Synonyms of teamwork
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
So there we have the definition. The official dictionary one, yet all of us know what teamwork is. We a a species are not that daft.
Using the Saunders MM, what is my take on teamwork?
Teamwork with a fell race as the medium
Teamwork means you have to work together to achieve something. As you cannot or choose not to do it alone. Sometimes you have choice of fellow team mate, sometimes you do not.
And teamwork is not purely I now realise the sole preserve of business; it happens in all spheres of life. With the wife, the children, on a holiday trip, having dinner, blah, blah, blah. Teamwork encompasses us as people as human beings very rarely function in isolation, and that applies for a lot of the animal world as well.
Some observations and tips.
Pick your team mate if you can, but not always the case. You see I am married to Claire and she is my Soulmate and understands how I tick in the physical and spiritual planes. Sounds funky, but is important. Humans are creatures of emotion and spirituality and that is how they work together, apart from the obvious physical task.
Chose your team mate if you can (even if nuts.)
So you need to be attuned to emotions, a person’s spirituality, and baggage. You have to make an emotional and spiritual connection for teamwork to serve its purpose. So in our case, Claire and I needed to follow a course on a map as fast as possible and with minimal navigational snafus. This is the task and pretty obvious, yet driving the task are people - Claire and I. And we function differently. And this is not simply about gender. Claire compared to me looks at the world differently and has different worldly objectives and dreams as driven by self, as moulded by her life experiences.
I want to win and become frustrated at being slow. I can thus shortcut. My emotional electricity drives me to run, to win, to achieve as I have past baggage of not being good enough.
Claire wants to enjoy and be careful with navigation, and within the world of orienteering fell running this is vital. She sees the beauty of the Lakeland fells and not just the race. It is an experience for her. She also wants to enjoy, and this does not mean she won’t push herself. She wants to be certain of where she has been, is, will go. Her emotional baggage is to be safe, secure, placed, in control.
Now if you cross compare we have two competing interests that won’t lead to two people reading a map correctly, agreeing on route, or running together at a directional unified pace. Yikes.
But we as a couple have to understand each others emotional and spiritual electricity, of how we see the world, of our place in the world, and how we interpret and filter it. The task is obvious, what is not is figuring out how we connect.
In practice we leverage my drive, sense of winning, myopic focus. With Claire we can leverage her ability to see the bigger picture, see outside of the narrow channel of my vision. I provide uncertainty and risk, taking navigational decisions where all information is not available. Claire provides the caution. Steadies my vigour. She understands my emotional and spiritual drives, but explains them to me with logic and emotion.
I leverage and utilise Claire’s sense of caution, or seeing beyond the singular route and thought process I have to hand. She reminds me of the team, the joint effort, of looking at where we are together - the beauty of it all.
I have to accept Claire, she has to accept me - emotionally, spiritually, baggage and all, for us to function as a unit. And this is the key to team work, and human relations.
Get Spiritual.
And then there is environment
Environment can be a benefit or pain in the bum depending on where you are, and let us not forget time and need.
In our case, we had the possibilty of rain hanging over us for Saturday and Sunday afternoons, especially Sunday from 11am. And this makes for hard running on the fells; difficult and what can be treacherous navigation.
The sun was out and it was humid, and climbing hills, running, bog and tussock hoping meant the sweat dripped off us, and led to occasional frayed tempers. 95% me, 5% Claire.
Something I have to work on is how I choose to let environment and its people affect me. It is a defect of mine. We were obviously under time pressure and objective achievement. And this does not have to be up a hill near Hawswater, it can be on the way to the airport, pulling a business pitch together, managing the kids at a footie match and so on.
Don’t be Pete, be like Claire - at one with what’s about you.
One has to remember we have choice and control over our actions, but not those of the place we find ourselves in and its people - always remember the phrase people, places, things. Let go and focus on you and how you filter or interpret what I have just mentioned. Consider your relationship with that which is outside of you, utilising empathy and understanding to ensure a goal, dream, objective is achieved.
So you can let (in my case) sweat, a steep hill, the sun, the humidity, your rucksack and the list goes on, affect you and thus your team mate. Don’t. They are merely objects if you like in their own right.
Teamwork comes from not just working with team mate, from the people, places, things. It comes from how we chose to interact with them.
Don’t forget we have to work with place (environment), people (covered this), time (but we can make our time), the objective (goal, dream, desire), things.
It is how we govern our spiritual and emotional relationship to them, and not the people, places, things themselves that truly matters.
So with teamwork
Yes do focus on the task at hand. And -
Know your emotional, spiritual attributes, and baggage. And don’t view them as positive or negative. View them as they are, and harness them.
Try to understand your team mate’s emotional, spiritual attributes, and baggage. Harness them.
With understanding and playing to your own and another’s way of ticking you make a connection and two or more become one unit. And the task can then come into play.
A taste of honey. (disposed, disruptive, dysfunctional.)
The dysfunctional, the dispossessed, the disruptors will always have hope.
A Taste of Honey - Rita Tushingham and Paul Danquah in the 1961 film.
I was studying English A Level at All Hallows RC High School (now All Hallows Catholic College) when I discovered Sheila Delaney’s A Taste of Honey. The late and great Gerry Campbell, an influential Teacher was Cousin to Sheila Delaney, and I was also lucky to be taught by Anne Goddard, a marvellous English Teacher.
It is an important play for me and my education as it was one of the many stimuli that kick started a process of thinking and challenge, think and challenge those social givens and of how we can all be sheep, but don’t have to accept societal stereotypes. I was to lose myself many years later, gradually, painfully, and without awareness; but thankfully I can and do remember so much from my past, which in coming back to me reminds me of my loner individual self, and of challenging social mores and beliefs. And there is nowt wrong with that.
What an earth do I mean by this? Jo, the lead character in the play leaves behind social norms at the time by openly not observing them, by doing what is right for her.
Arguably she is forced into action by circumstance and is thus not a disruptor, to use a more modern term. But a disruptor she is by her not conforming to norm, to being that solo operator. In her dysfunctional environment she has to be dysfunctional herself, part of and necessary for everything to function as it is. Yet also for change to occur. Whether by voluntary or involuntary cognition. Sometimes though it is the Universe that plays the role of disruptor and we are merely swept along.
This was all something that I latched onto. My childhood background was broken, disfunction, chaotic, destructive; and with time, recovery, help, and education I came to see that like all in life it is both a positive and negative, a yin and yang, a good and a bad. And that I was swept along to where I am now; ultimately guided by the Universe and what its plans are for me.
I now see that disfunction about me led to my disfunction in society and personally. Now this was not necessarily all good as it caused a lot of chaos and hurt over the years. And I suspect this the case for a lot of people I know, especially in addiction and advertising and maybe all of us. Addiction and Advertising - where does one start and the other stop?
But disfunction is a synonym for disruption, and now realise that my disruption created change and development, though the journey painful.
The case for disfunction.
I think now that I am still disruptive and have learnt to harness this. You see, there is an opposite for all in life, and the bad that came with my being disruptive, is now turned to good.
I look back and now see that all those disruptive people were and are able to see the gaps in the artifice that is normality, or what people present as normal, given, or societal norms. And they are able to open those gaps up, split apart the veneer of artifice, in fact shatter it and replace it with something new. Sadly this is where disruptors fall down, as one commonality is failure to deliver on what they disrupt or to follow through on what they start. This is something I had to learn about.
I think my advertising career and for a lot of achievers in life and business is disjointed, disruptive, leading to great results, but also great failure. But we can change the defects, the faults, learn from the mistakes. We are disruption and thus we are change, and we can change self, environment, the current balance and status quo, and this can be the artifice I talk of.
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek - President Barack Obama
I think now my mentoring, career advice, and help of other can focus on these disruptors, to harness the positive element and assuage the negative which is something that you can never really remove. To receive help from others, emboldens one to give back what was freely given to you. And that is what I must do. You see these disruptors who are also dispossessed of much (normally emotional, spiritual succour) make change in life and drive development, and I honestly believe that these flawed people who look so hard for that “something” can and should be engines of change, for their and the common good.)
It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it - Albert Einstein
I seek to harness my learned disruption to bring about change, where the Universe needs and compels it. And help others do the same. In a business and personal life.
Advertising disruptors I welcome you. I wish to meet and help more of you in your careers and your lives, because you don’t need to go through what I went through. All of us who are older, and maybe wiser, have a duty to pass down what we have learnt.
As I said with this picture which I love, earlier in the piece, a still from the 1961 film, “The dysfunctional, the dispossessed, the disruptors will always have hope.” And I strongly believe this. Hope for themselves and others. They in their broken way seek self-attainment (see Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and similar.)
Imagine! All these wonderful people who can see and wiggle through the gaps present in the norms of society, the bore of society, the status quo, the life we may all be trapped in, and make news things, ways of being, living, thinking, behaving. Making wonderful things.
As night draws to a close, dawn arises and we can each of us start a new day. And each of us can chose to be a change for good.
Recognise and embrace you are a disruptor.
Do you have baggage or trauma within your life? Do you drive yourself in all areas, and have you really asked why? Is your driven behaviour, breaking and making things a means of distraction from your history, what you think on?
Does your disruption cause change, but can this vacillate between good and bad? Have you built as much as you have torn down, or has fallen down?
Is this all cyclical?
Do you want change, but don’t know how to?
Is it a case of knowing how to harness your skills in the right direction, and to then fulfil on what you have started? You light the fire but fail to put it out, or stoke it.
Feel free to contact me, have a chat, a sit down, a Zoom. Whatever. I’ve been there and know how to talk about it, and make change. It is not easy. Not at all. But it can be done.
Manchester in the Sun
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week saw me in Manchester. A delight as were the people I saw, places visited, hot weather that hit the city after an unduly wet and poor summer thus far.
The resplendent Charles Reid.
I’d not ventured into Manchester in a short while and was certainly delighted to do so after what had been a short while. Across Monday evening to Tuesday afternoon I was subjected to hot and balmy weather and a city abuzz with summer calm and goodwill. Manchester in the damp, dark rain of a February makes for poor mood.
So why was I in Manchester?
There was not detailed plan of action apart from seeing some old contacts for a natter and catch up and to get a gist of the state of the Manchester advertising marketplace.
At the moment I am taking a sabbatical and enjoying it, with my Claire in Tobermory teaching. I am not due up there permanently until July next year.
a period of paid leave granted to a university teacher or other worker for study or travel, traditionally one year for every seven years worked.
"she's away on sabbatical"
relating to a sabbatical.
"sabbatical leave"
of or appropriate to the sabbath.
I am not religious, so the Sabbath bit goes out of the window. Certainly not a university teacher. So I suppose as a self employed person it comes down to being off from work, which must therefore translate into being lazy, wastrel, derelict, dosser and the like if canvassing a Tory at present. But I don’t care. My business, my life, and I enjoy the time.
Back to people of interest
So Monday early evening saw me catch up with Dani Briers for a good, solid strategic chat as to business and all that goes on. So it is clear that money can be made ethically whilst all seems to be going the way of ancient Rome - decadence, invading tribes, people at war, and not enough beer, bread, and games to keep the mob on your side. The ruling Senate and Emperor in GB Ltd is fighting a rear guard action akin to the friggin’ Alamo.
But money can be made if you are good at what you do. And Dani shows this with knowledge, care, expertise, and transparency. So there is hope for me.
Deansgate with smile and nice threads. Hot and sticky as well.
This saw me venture back into Manchester for a first meeting with Mick Style at Foley’s in Manchester though with a bit of confusion as I’d missed the venue on Quay Street instead ending up at the other off Hardman Square. Anyway we got there in the end, and enjoyed a lovely coffee and sandwich (this cheese and ham morsel being kindly bought by Mick S) while chatting over business and a Lakeland walk. Mick is off with a posse up Coniston and sought some advice as well as my using the OS Map App I have on the phone; with the route looking a good shlep up the Walna Scar Road, Brown Crag, Dow Crag, the Old Man, then over to Swirl How, and Wetherlam via Prison Band and back to Coniston.
Business wise Mick, like myself, is on the hunt for consultancy work and if you know of any do let us know. Mick like myself is ethical, a consummate professional, and knowledgeable as to media, creative, and commercial stuff. (If honest and humble Mick is on a much higher level of all the aforementioned than I am, and I doth tug forelock to him in reverence.)
Mick and I then walked over to the correct Foley’s on Quay Street to say hello to the lovely Rich George of Wavemaker, both ex-colleague and friend to Mick. He’s a good guy Rich, and after Mick left I enjoyed the chat we had as to business including changes Group M/Nexus level across to his wife and what she’s achieved and my moving (eventually) to Tobermory and Mull.
Rich confirmed as others business is a question of treading water at present until change, whatever that brings. And I don’t envy the traditional salary man in the advertising agency if honest. It must be a hard lot at present, pleasing the taskmasters of London (see useless twats who have no clue as to regional business.)
But Rich and Co are fine. A good bunch of nice people who work well with clients and have done so over many years. Both have come through the ranks “old school” style and know the journey.
Bonded Warehouse and Charlie Reid
After saying goodbye to Rich it was a short walk to Bonded Warehouse (a beautiful old brick built industrial warehouse) behind MOSI to see Charles Reid of Dentsu.
Seeing Charles is certainly like seeing an old pal, old school teacher, a long lost friend where distance and time disappear with today only being yesterday since you last chatted.
And chat we did. Business, life, people. It was enjoyable indeed. I am pleased all at DAN have Charles leading. He is firm but understands people and cares for them. And I suspect he acts as a buffer between London and the North.
Business is steady and again more a question of treading water.
What did I learn?
To never give up hope in dire economic and global climate as espoused and shown by Dani Briers. Of always being cheerful, pragmatic and hard working as shown by Mick and Rich. Of having the brains and common touch that Charles has, whilst still always smiling and making time for people, knowing people matter. Of how there are still a lot of decent people in this business, but the older ones worry for those coming through who don’t seemed to have worked their way up, nor been trained in traditional advertising values, and that this is a pointy finger mostly at the digital lot.
I can see in Charlie Reid that experience is so valuable in such a time, weathervane to impending storms, calm in the turbulent and truculent waters. But we are classed as old, and PAH to that I say!
And treading water is action, not inaction. There is a time and a place for everything. And a little bit of patience does not hurt advertising people. I suspect it is something they need to learn.
To live is to fight, David Rutley MP, and Arnold Rimmer.
Left: David Rutley. Right: Arnold Rimmer
To live is to fight / vivere militare est
The quote is attributed to Seneca the Younger and very apt for a lot of people in today's GB, and countless other locations. I suppose when born we automatically have to go into fight mode to survive, or do we have to?
And I suppose there are a lot of Tories fighting to live as I type this, especially what appears to be the tone deaf, clueless, Cockwomble of Macclesfield, the Rt Hon David Rutley, its local MP.
Orinoco the Womble, distant relative of MP for Macclesfield. The prefix “Cock” used to differentiate Genus, as is the fact one picks rubbish up, the other sends it into the sea via the sewage system.
Species / Genus
Forget the sewage laden term Tory, and look to the man. 14 years of what could be seen to be sheer self interest revolving around career, voting with government, Ministerial role, being a Whip, yet besmirching the good constituent MPs of all parties that are out there doing something and delivering local results. Not only have I seen more adept things floating on their backs in a pond, but I've seen Politicos with more balls canvassing those they represent than someone behaving as this ineffectual weakling, who has yet to be seen in all areas of Macclesfield for example.
The reason I am angry?
I am Macclesfield born and bred and whilst I left the town properly in 2013 am still attached. There are not many places I've not touched or been touched by in the town from having grown up, played, and lived in a famous town centre pub with two well known historical publicans. I'd play like a Bash Street Kid in the Indoor Market, West Park, South Park, everywhere, have fallen in the river Bollin countless times, and learnt to read and write through St Albans and All Hallows.
I've also been a Trustee of Macclesfield Round Table.
So more than most I've been very much intertwined in the town's heartbeat over the years.
Over time and wIth sadness I've seen the centre of the town decline. I landed in the town in 1978.
There are many macro factors out of any Politicians hands. There are changes to shopping habits of the consumer. People have been skint for a while.
But this does not excuse in any way shape or form the crass claim of David Rutley to have supported retail growth in the town. (Or other local centric activities to enhance economic growth.)
David Rutley - SMEG Head - Arnold Rimmer - Your MP for Macclesfield
My back is up and I’ve decided to write as I am genuinely stunned as some of the video sound bites Arnold Rimmer aka David Rutley MP has been posting as his contribution to Macclesfield town and its environs. And we thought the Hitler Diaries were the greatest work of fiction this side of the Royal Family not being German by using the nomenclature Windsor.
Yet I am maddened especially by one of his latest soundbites, stood on Church Street, back to St Michael’s. Right royally pissed off at this brass neck claim to support local business.
I suspect he helped hamstring Cheshire East and other Councils with his voting negatively with Party to cut local government funding, and do check his voting record. It makes for salutary reading:
His voting record makes for SHOCKING reading. For the simple fact it flies in the face of the videos he uses for his re-election campaign.
I suspect he would not work with Cheshire East as it is Labour run (can I just point out I’m more liberal in view than Labour, and am certainly no fan of Stan Laurel Starmer.)
I suspect he’s tone deaf as to local business having come from big business, and theoretical academic business background.
I suspect he’s spent that much time out of the county in his Ministerial role, that this sound bite is a last ditch attempt to alter the reality. He has simply not been here, instead abroad, in London.
As an ex-Whip and consistent Party voter I question his moral ethics. “Yes” as a word has an opposite and that is “no”. Nick Winterton (whilst no complete fan) had the courage to vote against party when morally correct. Rutley would vote that the sky is green if told to.
David Cameron. Jesus, where do I start? Rutley was parachuted into a safe seat by a PM (who visited him recently) whom I had the inordinate displeasure of working with at Carlton TV (contact me for comments and fruity language.)
I don’t give a shite about religion. And I’m Catholic. But how this man can observe a very moral form of Christianity, and have not questioned how he conducted himself morally and engagement wise, with a people and town that is genuinely struggling, makes me think the Mormon Church on Priory Land may soon be on the receiving end of a thunderbolt.
I suspect he has suspended his LinkedIn credentials. If he be God’s gift to business (soz God) then where is a LinkedIn profile, versus prose about senior roles in businesses such as Asda or PepsiCo? No detail. Name dropping, Arnold Rimmer would let lose a tear with lump in throat in respect of this positioning of self.
Let us cry Smeg Head aloud. In unison.
The Social Media activity that Rutley undertakes is locked down on Facebook, but he is unable to do so with the different beast that is Twitter. I would strongly suggest reading (with pinch of salt obviously) people’s comments on Twitter. I understand that Facebook lockdown stops abuse, but for God’s sake you are an MP and comment, criticism goes with the job, and has been around way before Gladstone and Disraeli were yelling at each other across the Commons.
It just vexes me that this Marketing campaign is one way, not transparent, and does not allow for comment. It is so frustrating, but that’s politics.
Seneca the Younger and Democracy
Democracy is more cruel than wars or tyrants
Let me think in the hot sun of a day out in Manchester. To live is to fight. Hmmm. I suppose that David Rutley is doing what we all may have to do, fight to keep what we have.
But like us all, he has choices and volition. He could maybe reflect on his 14 years and be honest about what he’s delivered and next steps. If I were still in Macc’ and could vote I’d consider him as we all make mistakes and can rectify them.
The people with have their say. Please vote wisely. And if you kick him into touch, he won’t starve, and think of all the poor fuckers the Tories have let down.
Manchester in the sun. Nuff said.